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Experiencing Heaven at the Belóved Gala

What an incredible evening we shared at the Belóved Gala! Experiencing a moment of Heaven with you through story, worship, and prayer was a night we’ll never forget.

Thanks to your generosity, we exceeded our fundraising goal of $250,000 to support Belóved Gallery’s mission of spreading hope and faith worldwide.

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Heaven is REAL. Experience Heaven on Earth at the Belóved Gala.

Belóved Gala’s immersive performance is a 360-degree worship experience that brings Heaven to Earth by inspiring faith through art. Guests will have an intimate gospel experience, participating in song, story, prayer, and community alongside the performers. As part of the experience, guests can share their stories, showing how we can all participate in bringing Heaven to Earth.

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Sharing Stories of Faith: Meet April & Cyrus

April and her 11-year-old son, Cyrus, visited Belóved Gallery recently at the urging of a friend. Being an artistic family, they took their time walking through Akiane: The Early Years, pointing out different details in Akiane’s paintings and poems. Cyrus, who has been tap dancing since the age of six, very quietly worked out routines with his feet as he went from one painting to the next.

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