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Belóved Gallery’s goal is for one million people to experience the miraculous story surrounding the original Prince of Peace painting by world-renowned Master Fine Artist Akiane Kramarik in Marble Falls, Texas.
For the first time in the painting’s history, it is available for viewing as part of the Akiane: The Early Years exhibition – at no cost to our guests. This has been made possible by generous donors like you from all over the world.
Not only have hearts and minds been captured by the story of Prince of Peace, but thousands have shared their own stories of hope that have come from seeing Akiane’s work. Belóved Gallery is committed to seeing these stories grow in number. We are thankful for partners like you who help us amplify her message of unwavering faith, eternal life, and unconditional love across the world.
Checks can be made payable to Belóved Gallery.
Our mailing address is: Belóved Gallery, PO Box 1149, Marble Falls, Texas 78654
Partner with Belóved Gallery with a one-time or recurring gift in support of one million people viewing Akiane: The Early Years exhibition at no charge.
Your generous donation helps Belóved Gallery to:
Ensure that Belóved Gallery’s exhibition, Akiane: The Early Years, remains free of charge and accessible to all
Create new ways of sharing the Prince of Peace story through various media channels
Hold community events that are available at no cost to the public
Maintain platforms that share personal stories of hope from people around the world who have been impacted by Akiane and the Prince of Peace painting
Other Ways to Support Belóved Gallery’s Mission:
Tell 50 of your friends and family about your experience! Invite them to make a reservation for a tour of Akiane: The Early Years.
Let us know how the Prince of Peace has inspired your faith. Use #iam_beloved to tell your story.
Post your favorite moments at Belóved Gallery and Café on your social media account. Tag Belóved Gallery so we can share your stories, too.