April and her 11-year-old son, Cyrus, visited Belóved Gallery recently at the urging of a friend. Being an artistic family, they took their time walking through Akiane: The Early Years, pointing out different details in Akiane’s paintings and poems. Cyrus, who has been tap dancing since the age of six, very quietly worked out routines with his feet as he went from one painting to the next. It wasn’t until the two returned to the Prodigy Wall – a wall in the exhibition covered with childhood photos of Akiane, as well as some of her quotes from around the age of ten – that Cyrus took an extra long pause.
“Is this about bullying?” Cyrus pointed to one of the quotes – a question an adult had asked Akiane:
“You call Jesus the ‘Prince of Peace’ yet in His name, so many people were massacred. How do you explain that?”
Cyrus read through Akiane’s answer:
“Jesus is peace, just like calm water. But anyone can drop a stone into water and make it muddy.”
After a few minutes of contemplation, he spoke up again, “I think I understand. People cause pain like muddy water but the Holy Spirit is like water that can cleanse everyone.”
Later, Cyrus shared more about how Akiane’s answer to the difficult question impacted him. “It made me think of when Jesus started flipping tables because people were making his church into a store. The point isn’t that Jesus’s pool becomes muddy, our pool does. I know people who have had bad things happen, but they never get clean.”
“We both felt like Akiane’s answers on the Prodigy Wall were deep.” April went on to explain that as a creative writer, she felt especially drawn to Akiane’s words and poems. “Her quotes helped me understand her process. She could paint it, but she could also say it. I could almost see her writing things in a notebook as a child…like her poem, ‘A Conversation with God,’ or her thoughts about the many questions she was asked. It was very meaningful.”
April and Cyrus aren’t the only guests who have been drawn to Akiane’s writing. Others will write her words down or sit and contemplate what she is saying in her deep musings or thoughtful poetry. Akiane was declared a binary child prodigy by experts, meaning she was a prodigy in two unique categories: realistic art and poetry. The combination of words and visuals is part of what makes Akiane’s childhood work uniquely powerful.
Before leaving the gallery, April and Cyrus visited the Prince of Peace Sanctuary again.
“It gave me a feeling of being in heaven,” Cyrus said about Akiane’s portrait of Jesus.
Both marveled over the fact that Akiane had never read a bible or gone to church when she painted Prince of Peace.
“When I was her age, I had already seen so many pictures of Jesus,” April shared. “But Akiane humanizes Him. Up close, you can see every little hair follicle and the texture of his skin. Even his Jewishness rings out in the painting. The fact that she was able to capture so many layers at once makes me think God was truly present with her and this was supernatural.”
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Want to join the mission? We are currently looking for volunteers to help lead tours of Akiane: The Early Years. Volunteers have a special front row seat to the many exciting things happening at Belóved Gallery and represent Belóved’s mission to the public.
Available Volunteer Roles:
Lead Tour Guide (Saturday)
Lead guests through the Akiane: The Early Years exhibition as they experience the miraculous story.
Concierge Support (Saturday)
Be the first to greet guests from around the world, assist with tour check-in, and ensure they leave feeling beloved.
This summer, take a guided tour of Akiane: The Early Years and experience peace.
We await your arrival,
Team Belóved
Founded to amplify the work of extraordinary artists, our mission is to inspire faith through art in people of all backgrounds.
Copyright © 2025 Belóved Gallery