Dear Friend,
The word commissioned has significant meaning in the art world. Often, it indicates that individuals, organizations, or even governments have requested a specific artist to create for them. The buyer and the artist negotiate the terms and parameters of the work, and the buyer sometimes provides feedback, getting to be a part of the artistic process. Essentially, a commission is an interchange between people that brings meaning and impact into the world.
What does it mean then to be commissioned by God? Often, we equate the term to being given a specific purpose or mission in spreading the gospel. Yet, at the core, there is much more. Commissioning first requires an interchange between God and us. We must form an understanding of Him as the original Artist and also as the Buyer – the one who purchased us all through the blood of Jesus. Then, there are the processes of dreaming, growing, and creating in God. Not all commissions look the same, and not all require traveling. Commissioning must start in our hearts and the practices of our daily relationship with Jesus.
Join us at Belóved Gallery’s third annual Fall Affair, Commissioned: Sharing Faith through Art, which will be held on October 24-26, 2025, with Master Fine Artist Akiane Kramarik in attendance. We’ll explore what it means to be commissioned!
Last year, we discussed how Heaven is Real and ways we can bring Heaven into our daily lives. We heard from speakers who have had near-death experiences of Heaven, like Pastor and Author Dean Braxton. Artist Sam Ryan gave us insight into his process as he seeks to reveal eternity through his creations. John Burke, the New York Times Bestselling Author of Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven, had a powerful conversation with Akiane about the spiritual nature of her work and how it connects to his research on near-death experiences. Watch for videos of these sessions to be released soon!
The word commissioned means to appoint, produce, and bring into working condition. An artist can be commissioned to create a meaningful work of art. God also commissioned us into His family as sons and daughters, individual masterpieces designed by the Master Artist Himself. Jesus’s final words on earth called for the great commission, an invitation to share with the entire world the profound work of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, His unbreakable love for everyone, and His promise of eternal life to bring us all into His family.
How has God commissioned you?
Mark Your Calendars
October 24-25, 2025
Stay connected for exclusive updates on this unforgettable weekend. To learn more, visit our Fall Affair page, where you’ll find details about the three signature events of the weekend: Tours of Akiane: The Early Years exhibition, Symphony of Art! showcase, and the Belóved Gala.
We eagerly anticipate your presence at the 2025 Fall Affair, Commissioned: Sharing Faith through Art. Your support means the world to us as we strive to spread the Good News through the transformative power of art. Let’s embark on a journey of inspiration. Join us in Marble Falls, Texas, for what promises to be an unforgettable event.
We await your arrival,
Team Belóved
Support Our Mission
Continue to partner with Belóved Gallery by telling 50 of your friends and family about your experience! Invite them to make a reservation for a tour of Akiane: The Early Years.
Post your favorite moments from your visit on social media. Tag Belóved Gallery so we can share your stories, too!
Spread the message of belovedness by sharing how art has inspired your faith. Visit our #iam_beloved page to share your story and read other stories of faith.
Partner with Belóved Gallery with a one-time or recurring gift in support of one million people viewing Akiane: The Early Years exhibition at no charge.
Belóved Gallery is a private-operating foundation designated as a 501(c) (3)nonprofit organization, providing you with a tax-deductible donation benefit (Tax ID #87-4045476).
Want to join the mission? We are currently looking for volunteers to help lead tours of Akiane: The Early Years. Volunteers have a special front row seat to the many exciting things happening at Belóved Gallery and represent Belóved’s mission to the public.